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  • [Did entry into nursing home during the health crisis favor the emergence of traumatic symptoms in the elderly?: Entry into nursing home and Covid].

[Did entry into nursing home during the health crisis favor the emergence of traumatic symptoms in the elderly?: Entry into nursing home and Covid].

Geriatrie et psychologie neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement
Zalai M, Voltzenlogel V, Cuervo-Lombard C
Our aim is to explore the possible emergence of traumatic symptoms and the identity-related repercussions of the restrictions on elderly, who entered into nursing homes during the Covid-19 health crisis in France. Twenty-five subjects institutionalised before the health crisis and twenty-six subjects institutionalised during the periods of lockdown into nursing homes completed scales assessing anxiety-depressive symptomatology, traumatic symptoms and identity. Anxiety and depression symptoms were similar between the groups. The institutionalised group showed a significantly higher prevalence of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria D and E on the Post traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist version DSM-5 (PCL-5) during lockdown. Entry into an institution during the health crisis would have favored the emergence of traumatic symptoms in the participants. Consideration of the ethical issues raised by this study could make it possible to offer more individualised support to elderly during their transition to a new home.